Prayer List

For those who are sick or with special needs, we pray for…

Lena F., Bill H., Charlotte H., Monica H., Anne H., Becky Y., Mildred M., Nancy L., Kathy F., Laura M., Sandy H., Jim B., Christopher D., David, John F., Terry S., Xavier M., Bryon M., Denise D., Mike H., Mike B., William P., Rowan, Don & Tammy, Debbie P., Bob & Judy, Bob S., Liam, Joey B., Tiffany F., Kathy D., Judy G., Mary F., Doris, Sara K., Bruce R., Jane G., Alice John, Susan S., Gil, Bill & Kay, John H., Kassie H., Judy S., Will, The People of Ukraine, Israel, and the Middle East.

For those who have died and for those who grieve their passing, we pray for…

Charles S.

For our military personnel, in thanksgiving for their service and for their continued safety, we pray for…

Doug D. Jr., Candace E., Sam R., Andrew K., Jeffrey C, Zach C., and Brandon D.